Explore the Fastest WordPress Proofreading Plugin

Spell Check

Grammar Check

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Experience the fastest auditing and proofreading plugin for your WordPress website

SEO Optimization

Broken Code Check


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Experience the fastest auditing and proofreading plugin for your WordPress website

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Additional Core Benefits

WordPress Spelling Audit

Create a Professional image

With our WordPress Spell Check Plugin, you will find and fix all the embarrassing spelling errors and create a professional image for your business

Comprehensive reports

Produce a comprehensive report on many spelling flaws that exist in many places on your website

Save time & Resources

Have your computer find the errors for you and save an incredible amount of time

Mistakes you have missed

Quickly and easily catch mistakes you may have missed while maintaining a professional image for your customers.

Find Lorem Ipsum

Find the hidden Lorem Ipsum here and there and multi languages details that may be part of your template and is hurting your SEO but you or your developers didn’t see.

Grammar Audit for WordPress

Avoiding looking unprofessional

Search for grammar and style errors to find and fix them while avoiding looking unprofessional

Single page scan

Scan a single page or post for any grammar errors

Save on resources

Perform a one click audit and save an incredible amount of time

WordPress SEO Optimization

Higher ranking on Google

Find areas to improve your SEO if you have done everything for your SEO and you are NOT SURE what to do next to achieve a higher ranking on Google

New SEO ideas for your site

Do a specific search for missing SEO meta data on your website to find and add content to fields that were left empty to rank higher on Google search results 

More work for SEO agency team

Create a list of all SEO Opportunities for  your agency’s SEO team 

E-commerce SEO

Improve SEO for your ecommerce products and improve your sales

Broken Code Audit for WordPress

Find Broken Plugins

Discover all the plugins that are not working on your website and are hurting your sales and revenues

Broken HTML

Find out which pages of your website is showing HTML instead of proper content and is embarrassing you and your business

Broken Shortcodes

Find all the Shortcodes that are not displaying the content and functionality of your website to your visitors and fix them ASAP!

Content NOT showing

Find broken code and short codes that are not displaying the content properly and are hurting your SEO rankings!

Plugin Integrations

WooCommerce Integrations - wordpress spell check plugin
yoast seo integrations - wordpress plugin integrations
WordPress spell check plugin - Beaver Builder Integration
Divi Theme Integrations - wordpress plugin integrations
WordPress spell check plugin - SeedProd Integration
WordPress spell check plugin - Elementor Integrations

What is WP Spell Check and how does it benefit my WordPress site?

WP Spell Check is a proofreading plugin for WordPress, enhancing your site's professionalism. According to a recent survey, websites with proper spelling and grammar have a 25% higher credibility rating among users.

How can WP Spell Check help with SEO on my WordPress website?

WP Spell Check significantly boosts SEO by auditing over 16 areas and providing AI suggestions. According to SEO research, websites with proper SEO optimization experience a 35% increase in organic search traffic.

Why is a spell check plugin crucial for my WordPress site's image?

A spell check plugin, like WP Spell Check, ensures a professional image. Research shows that 59% of users avoid websites with spelling errors.

How does WP Spell Check save time and resources in proofreading?

WP Spell Check automates error detection, saving significant time and resources. A study shows that businesses spend an average of 23 hours per week on proofreading tasks, making automated solutions like WP Spell Check invaluable.

Can WP Spell Check identify hidden Lorem Ipsum affecting SEO?

Absolutely! WP Spell Check goes beyond spelling errors, addressing hidden Lorem Ipsum. Research shows that websites with properly optimized content have a 40% higher chance of ranking well on search engines.

Is spelling important for WooCommerce websites?

Research suggests that 88% of online shoppers are less likely to purchase from a site with spelling errors. WP Spell Check helps improve product descriptions and boosts sales by fixing the spelling errors.

How can I find broken shortcode on a WordPress site?

WP Spell Check helps find and fix broken shortcodes, ensuring a smooth user experience. Studies show that 42% of users leave a website because of poor functionality, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a well-functioning site.

How easy is it to use a WordPress spell check plugin into a WordPress site, especially for non-tech users?

Integrating WP Spell Check is user-friendly. Even non-tech users can enjoy the benefits of fast proofreading, improved SEO, and fixed code issues.